Ρόδος Profitis Elias

A dense forest of pine trees, cypress trees and oak trees, with a peak at 798m (the third highest mountain on the island, following Atavyros and Akramytis). On Profitis Elias 115 plant species have been counted, the rarest of which is peony of Rhodes (Paeonia clusii subsp. rhodia), a flower that grows only on Rhodes. Up there live foxes, “atsidia” (ferrets), hawks and several deer (fallow deer), which were originally brought by Italians to be hunted by official guests and officers who summered in the two hotels on Profitis Elias. The deer belong to the Dama dama species, their color varies from reddish brown to light brown and they have white spots on the back and croup.

The names of the hotels are “Elafos” (stag) and “Elafina” (doe) and they are built in imitation of Swiss chalets. This is where in May 1929 the King of Italy Vittorio Emmanuelle III and his wife and later King Paul of Greece stayed. They were renovated by the Municipality of Kamiros and can once again accommodate visitors.

Next to the small church of Elijah the Prophet (Profitis Elias) you can enter a path that after about 1 hour walk will bring you to the spring Nymfi, outside Salakos village.

Επιστροφη σε Ρόδος