If one wants to talk about Kalymnos and be honest, should first get to know its sea and love it, because, as long as there is sea, we can talk about Kalymnos and its people. We can talk about a special kind of people who are passionately attached to a dry rock in the Aegean; because this is where their last and most desirable port exists. According to Herodotus, the first residents of Kalynda (this was the name of Kalymnos in the 4th century) were Dorians coming from Epidaurus. As soon as they set foot on this dry, rocky island they couldn’t find any recourse apart from the sea. The conservative and immovable spirit of Dorians stopped being attached to the land, became restless and bold, adventurous and insatiable. What was Kalynmos? An important mark in the Aegean, as it was the place where their family lived and it was them who had to feed this family. No matter how many years passed, no matter how many changes people of Kalymnos have seen, their truth is exactly the same and their life is uniquely attached to the sea, as well as to danger. Sponge divers, fishermen, adventurous, resourceful, cunning, conscientious, hospitable people…these are some descriptions concerning people who made this island famous all over the world.
Nowadays, Kalymnos, natural and simple as always, is proud not only for the authenticity of its character, but also for its own rocks. Some of the most beautiful rock climbing routes in Europe can be found on this island and the name of Kalymnos has again become known all over the world. It’s time you got to know it closely…isn’t it?