Rhodes Thermes Kallitheas (The Kallithea Baths)

Rhodes - Thermes Kallitheas (The Kallithea Baths)

It is one of the top architectural monuments of Rhodes. The complex in Kallithea has been renovated and it has regained its former prestige. It was built in 1929 by the Italian architect Pietro Lombardi, who has also constructed the European Parliament building in Strasburg. Its architecture combines elements of all cultures that have been to Rhodes. The hydrotherapy center (spa) was shut down in 1968 and since then it started crumbling. After the successful renovation that was completed in 2007, the complex is being used to host painting and photography exhibitions, social events (weddings, christenings, etc.), theatrical performances, concerts, seminars and conferences.

The Kallithea spa was dedicated solely to mineral water therapy. The main properties of water were the laxative and diuretic properties and they were considered suitable for kidney and liver diseases. The treatment lasted 15 days.

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