Sifnos Acropolis of Agios Andreas

Sifnos - Acropolis of Agios Andreas

The asphalt road will bring you right at the entrance of the archaeological site which extends in 10.000km2 and to which important works of restoration and promotion have been made. If you choose to ascend through the trail, you should know that it is probably steep and with stairs (20 minutes). The view from the top will reward you and at the top you will see the ruins of the ancient fortifies acropolis of Agios Andreas (or Ai Drias). The church of Agios Andreas rises at the centre of the eastern side.

The acropolis was founded in the Mycenaean era (16th century BC) and it was inhabited until the first half of the 12th century. It was inhabited again in the late Roman period (second half of the 8th century BC) and in the Classical era, until the 5th century BC or the early 4th century.

The excavations brought to light a big part of the Mycenaean wall (12th century BC) which surrounds the acropolis and had eight rectangular towers. During the Geometrical era (8th century BC) it was enhanced with a single surrounding wall and a large tower. At least three of the wall’s sides are preserved in a pretty good condition. In the interior of the acropolis there are ruins of at least five buildings, probably residences, out of which at least one dates back to the Mycenaean era.

The acropolis of Agios Andreas won a prize of Europa Nostra as an excellent example of the cultural heritage maintenance.


Visiting hours 08.30 to 15.00, daily except for Mondays and bank holidays. There is also a showroom.

Tel.: +30 22840 31488

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